v1.7 Isaiah

  • Fixed Hero padding on the Olivet theme with the 'single image' display option.
  • Fixed Olivet theme nav bar wrapping weirdly at some screen sizes (1200-1298px)
  • Fixed Anavim page featured images displaying incorrectly
  • Footer menu items that are external links now open in a new tab, just like Header menu items
  • Resolved issues with images, buttons, and links rendering correctly within resource content blocks.
  • Resolved an issue where the Index Nav block would sometimes display "Dummy Nav Title" if no title was set (configurable in Resource Settings). "Explore the Library" is the normal fallback, and should now correctly display when no title is set.
  • Featured series block could crash if there were no resources in the series.
  • Breadcrumbs would not display correctly on deeply-nested pages
  • HTML Embed block could cause a crash if it was completely empty.
  • Taxonomies containing only resources scheduled for the future have been fixed to not crash on the Index Nav block and types/authors/years pages.
  • Added stricter controls on bots crawling the website while making allowances for "good" bots.
  • Fix: PCO Events pulling the internal start time instead of the public start time (Thanks to First Hurst for sending this in)
  • Improvement/Fix(?): Link Page Refresh: 
    • Some embeds will not work with the instant-load AJAX router we use to make navigating around the site super fast. We've added an extra piece of functionality to the URL option: if the URL is prepended with a "$" character, it will force a reload when loading the page. 
    • Example: to load page "Embed Page" with slug "embed-page" you would enter "$/embed-page" in the URL field of the navigation settings or custom link.
  • Fix: Bugs with hamburger nav menu not hiding when clicking a link or clicking outside of the menu.
  • Fix: Paragraph font size being too large in dashboard release widget.

Improvement: Hero and Promo Images:
  • Events, Resources, and Series have been updated to all allow for Promo Images as well as optional Hero Images (original feature request).
  • Promo Images appear on cards and social media previews and are the primary image for the event/resource/series.
  • Hero Images appear as backgrounds for a given event/resource/series, such as on the Latest Single Sermon block on the homepage, or as a background image for the document page (e.g. /events/church-picnic).

Improvement: Updated Form Confirmation email styling. Example of the new styling.

Improvement: Resource Video Embeds (on single resource pages) and Video Embed blocks now respect Youtube's start at (?t=) time (original feature request).

Improvement: Restyled the dashboard "Latest Release" block to be more readable.

Improvement: Event Blocks
  • You can now select how many events to display on the Upcoming Events & Planning Center Events blocks. For more information, check out this help article that has been updated with more information about how exactly the planning center integration works and this feature request if you're interested in more functionality here.
  • Planning Center events have received suspense cards (grayed out boxes that fill space while the real cards are loading (original feature request).
Improvement: Event Date & Time
  • We've updated studio to give more clarity on how events will be displayed/when they will display and hide. 
  • Event start and end dates are now proper dates, with no time component (e.g. 2024-08-15 2:06pm -> 2024-08-15)
  • Events will be displayed on the day of the event, or the last day of the event if it spans multiple days. Upcoming events blocks that contain event cards and the /events page will update immediately at midnight to no longer show the event that has ended.
  • Single event pages will update themselves within the following day to include a notice stating that they are passed.
  • The "time" component for single day events behaves exactly the same; if an event spans multiple days, it will only display the days; if it is a single day event, whatever is filled in for Time will be displayed as well; e.g. "Aug 5-6" or "Aug 5 7pm"

Improvement: Scheduling Fixes/Standards: This release fixes several issues that prevented scheduled resources (resources set to be published in the future) from displaying on the frontend of the site on primarily homepage blocks but a few other places as well. In fixing that, we've overhauled this system and made it more robust, with more clearly defined expectations:
  • Homepage blocks (LatestSermonSingle, LatestOfType, LatestSermons, FeaturedSeries, IndexNav): These will now be up to date within 1-2 minutes of the scheduled time.
  • Index Pages (authors, scriptures, series, topics, types, years): These will be up to date within 24 hours of the scheduled time. What this applies to: if a new author/scripture/series/topic/type/year is added, it will not display on the index page because it will have no resources attached to it initially. When a resource is first added to that taxonomy and scheduled for sometime in the future, it will still not display, because that resource shouldn't be visible yet. The new revalidation scheme means that within 24 hours of the new resource's publish date all indices will be up to date with the taxonomies it affects.
  • Series Archive page: The series archive page (for an individual series, e.g. https://olivet.gospel.io/resources/series/coffee-mug-verses had a lot added to it. The resource cards below will always be up to date within 1-2 minutes, but the header itself (which displays the count of resources) is populated differently and may take up to 24 hours to be fully up to date.
  • More From This Series Block: These blocks at the end of resources will be up to date with scheduled resources within 48 hours of the specified time.
    • Why is this time so long? Because this block may be present on a lot of resource library pages, bot indexing traffic could end up causing a lot of data to be re-fetched. This requires more bandwidth and can contribute to hosting costs. 
    • All the numbers described here so far are our best guesses at a good balance between keeping your MereChurch efficient and your content up to date.
  • RSS Feeds: These will no longer update with the latest resource immediately when "publish" is clicked; they will instead be up to date within 24 hours of a new resource being published.
  • With these changes and policies, our goal is to make it more transparent how scheduling works and a more consistent experience. If you come across something that is not obeying the rules laid out here, please let us know!